BioForward Shows Thanks By Giving

Today the world celebrates GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement, inspiring hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Why are we talking about GivingTuesday, when BioForward doesn’t accept donations? Because we at BioForward believe in the spirit of giving!

BioForward, like so many of our member companies, believes in giving back to the community to advance STEM education, wellness, and health. Each year, BioForward makes donations in honor of our member organizations.

At our End-of-Year Celebration next week, BioForward has committed to donating to WISCIENCE and STEM Forward, two organizations doing vital work towards providing STEM education in Wisconsin and growing the next generation of STEM workers. Following the 2021 Summit, in place of speaker gifts, BioForward donated to Outreach Community Health Centers, Milwaukee Area Science Advocates, RISE, and The Posse Foundation- not-for-profit organizations doing essential work to improve community health, advance science education, and support diversity equity and inclusion.

BioForward giving back has become a tradition. As a part of promoting the biohealth industry and region and positioning the Wisconsin biohealth industry for growth, BioForward prioritizes care, compassion, and community. To have a strong biohealth industry, we need strong communities, strong families, and educational opportunities for everyone in Wisconsin. By strengthening these factors in Wisconsin, we eliminate barriers to those in need and ensure a healthy, diverse, and talented workforce.

So, as this year draws to an end, we hope to inspire everyone to believe in the spirit of giving! Giving doesn’t just mean money (though we know many charitable organizations are in need); it also means time. Give of yourself freely by participating in the biohealth community. We value your time, energy, and input!