Yahara: As an experienced team of Microsoft-certified software development professionals, we leverage our extensive background in life sciences, education, and transportation to provide comprehensive process optimization, system integration, and business intelligence solutions to our partners. With a look to the future, our long-term success is completely intertwined with that of our clients.
Bio Highlights: Mr. Peterson has more than 30 years of IT management experience focusing primarily on the verticals of laboratory operations and scientific instrument integration. During his career, he has worked for several private and public-sector organizations, including a stint as the CIO of the State Public Health Laboratory in Wisconsin, where he oversaw 3 LIMS implementations, implementing electronic results messaging, and a project to integrate laboratory instrumentation with operational workflows. Since 2013 he has been a part of the ownership group at Yahara Software, where his teams provide innovative software solutions to support life science clients in Madison, across the country, and around the globe. Over the years, these projects have included efforts such as building systems at the CDC to manage the complex testing panels used to collect and classify results for epidemiological use and supporting initiatives by the Ministries of Health in several African countries to collect, analyze, and display clinical testing data via country-wide dashboard platforms. In addition to his work at Yahara, Mr. Peterson recently concluded a 5-year appointment as the chair of the Informatics Committee for the Association of Public Health laboratories. Mr. Peterson has a BA in Computer Science from Lakeland University and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.