Chris Unterberger
Chris Unterberger brings a dynamic blend of scientific expertise andstrategic leadership to his role at BioForward. With a Ph.D. in PharmaceuticalSciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and extensive experience inmolecular oncology research, Chris has authored multiple peer-reviewedpublications in cancer biology. He has transitioned his passion for scientificinnovation into project management, where he excels in driving complex biotechinitiatives forward.
At BioForward, Chris oversees the implementation of the Wisconsin BiohealthTech Hub, ensuring successful coordination across multidisciplinary teams toadvance personalized medicine. Known for his strategic approach, Chrisleverages strong advocacy and communication skills developed through leadershiproles in science policy and grassroots organizations like 350 Wisconsin and theNational Science Policy Network. His commitment to sustainability andinnovation positions him as a catalyst for transformative growth in Wisconsin’s biohealth sector.